Alan Morrison, Arts Editor of the Sunday Herald
"Actually, the actor Kenneth Cranham is in it for a couple of scenes, and you've probably heard of him. But otherwise this is one of the real talent-spotting finds of the festival. It's about birth, death and all the messy bits of life crammed in between, as a network of characters face up to financial debts to the council or drug-dealers and emotional debts to family or friends. The stand-out performance comes from actor-writer-producer Bryan Larkin, who has the uncanny ability to let his character's past experiences and present turmoil play on his face without having to utter a word. In fact, the whole film has an intense less-is-more aesthetic that's really affecting. Director Dale Corbett and producers Marc Twynholm and Abigail Howkins have picked up umpteen Bafta Scotland awards for short films, but this feature debut takes them to the next level."
British Gala, June 22, 9.25pm, Cineworld; June 26, 9pm, Cineworld